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You Are Here:Home > News Center  > Industry dynamics
What disposable medical supplies are available in hospitals?
source:Website  |  Release time:2024-03-21
Disposable medical supplies are widely used in hospitals, and the following are some common disposable medical supplies:

1. Syringes and needles: used for injecting drugs or collecting blood samples.

2. Infusion set and indwelling needle: used for intravenous infusion and injection.

3. Blood collection needle and blood collection vessel: used to collect blood for testing.

4. Disposable gloves: Used to prevent cross infection during medical operations.

5. Mask: Used to protect medical staff and patients from pathogen infections transmitted by droplets.

6. Disposable surgical instruments: such as surgical knives, scissors, suture needles, etc., used for surgical operations.

7. Disposable catheters: such as catheters, gastric tubes, etc., used for drainage or fluid delivery.

8. Disposable dressings: such as gauze, cotton balls, etc., used for wound care and cleaning.

9. Disposable infusion patch: used to fix infusion pipelines or needles.

10. Disposable bedpan and urinal: for patient use to avoid cross infection.

It should be noted that different hospitals and departments may use other disposable medical supplies according to specific needs. The use of these disposable medical supplies helps to reduce the risk of cross infection and ensure medical safety. Meanwhile, disposable medical supplies after use need to be properly handled and discarded to avoid environmental pollution.

The above is a summary by Changshu Wilson Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. of what disposable medical supplies are available in hospitals?, If there is any related knowledge that you do not understand, you can consult us.
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